
Fibromyalgia Syndrome

Diagnosis, Causes, and Treatment

Fibromyalgia syndrome is a chronic condition characterized by pain and tension in muscles and tendons, sometimes involving pain at specific points on the body. This type of pain can be influenced by both psychological and physical factors.


  • Pain Transmission Disorders: Including changes in how pain is sensed and transmitted in the body.
  • Sleep Level Changes: Uncomfortable sleep patterns may contribute to exacerbating pain.
  • Psychological Stress: Mental stress and anxiety can increase the severity of pain.
  • Hormonal Changes: Some changes in hormone levels may contribute to pain.


  • Pain Management: Using techniques to manage and reduce pain, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy.
  • Physical Exercise: Gentle exercises that help improve flexibility and fitness.
  • Physical Therapy: Can be effective in strengthening muscles and improving function.
  • Psychological Support: Providing psychological support and counseling to help the patient cope with challenges.

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Managing fibromyalgia requires a comprehensive approach that includes both medical and psychological interventions to improve the patient's quality of life. Contact us for more information and details tailored to your individual case